Our first artist study begins November 9th; are you getting excited yet? This month we are going to be looking at the work of:
Vincent Van Gogh
(pronounced Van GOE)
To prepare your student, please print out "The Starry Night" (1889, Museum of Modern Art, New York) and place it where your child will see it often. Personally, we like to frame art and place it beside the children's bathroom mirror where they can look at it while brushing their teeth. This may seem a bit irreverent, but really, where else will they have time to simply gaze at a picture several times every single day? Other options include sliding it inside the front cover of the child's favorite school binder, or posting it on the refrigerator with magnets.
This month's activity will be to create pastel drawings which will be printed onto onesies for infants in need. You will need to bring the following supplies:
- 9"x12" Black Construction Paper - At least two sheets per person
- Oil Pastels - Broken and peeled work best (please label before arriving)
- Glue (please label before arriving)
- Q-tips - One per person
- Pencil (regular #2, not a drawing pencil) - One per person
- Recommended: Baby wipes and paper towels (for wiping fingers)
- Recommended: Wear short sleeves or bring a smock to protect clothing
Reminder: This is not a drop-off group. Parents, please come prepared to enjoy working alongside your children.
If this is your first time joining us or if you have not yet paid your registration fee, please remember to bring a check for $10 made out to New Hope Christian Fellowship. This will cover the entire year.
See you on November 9th!