Don't forget to join us to plant flowers this Tuesday evening!
Here are the details:
Tuesday 4-17-12 6:30PM
Earl Legacy Park in Bedford
200 New Boston Road
Corner of Wallace and New Boston by Riddlebrook School
Bring your own shovel/trowel if you have one!
Did you know:
Andrew Wyeth was a homeschool student from the age of 8 until he turned 18. He tells about his education history in this short interview with the Center for Talent Development.
Meet the Artist:
The great thing about 20th century artists is that we have many records of their lives as well as their work. Take a look at this short video of Andrew Wyeth at work.
Try it yourself:
Andrew Wyeth is known for his ability to create intense emotion through his choice of interesting backgrounds. Try cutting out a small portrait from either a photograph or magazine and placing it on different backgrounds. Plain white, a jungle scene from a magazine, or a photograph of your own backyard will offer drastically different results.
See it in Person:
Andrew Wyeth spent many summers only a few hours from here. If you are traveling to Maine soon, swing by the Farnsworth Art Museum Wyeth Center in Rockland. In addition to seeing quite a few paintings by Andrew Wyeth and his famous family, you will also have the opportunity to tour the Olson house, setting for Wyeth's famous painting Christina's World.