$70 Complete Art Supply Kit:
contains everything you need for 1 person to complete every project
- Scissors - sharp enough to cut both fabric and paper
- everyday pencil – 1 per student
- 2 quart size zip top storage bags - can be shared
- Assorted fabric scraps of any kind – approx 1 yard - can be shared
- Grout
- Thin jute cord – approx 2 ft
- 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
- plastic butter knife – 1 per student
- wooden skewer – 1 per student
- full set Keruitake Zig Brushables waterbased pigment felt tip markers set in shades of blue – can be shared
- Prismacolor non-photo blue pencil – 1 per student
- 2 sheets Canson Mixed Media paper 18″x24″ – minimum 1 per student
- 2 oz Sculpey oven dry clay in grey – per student
- 2 oz. Sculpey oven dry clay in any bright color – per student
- Ball tipped embossing stylus – 1 per student
- paper plate
- 3M Duct tape in at least 2 colors – can be shared
- Tombow dual brush pen waterbased markers (the shojo manga colors would be best because it includes a colorless blender)– can be shared
- Crescent Illustration Board 15″x20″ heavy weight – 1 per student
- 2 sheets Strathmore charcoal paper 9″x12″ – minimum 1 sheet per student
- Prang charcoal pencils in soft and medium – 1 set per student
- Blending stump – can be shared
- kneadable eraser – can be shared
- mosaic tiles in various colors – can be shared
- mosaic mesh – 6″x6″ sheets – 2 sheets per student
- Weldbond PVA glue (white PVA school glue is not the same) – can be shared
- Bubble wrap 6″x6″ – can be shared
- 1 sheet 12″x12″ Strathmore Acrylic paper – 1 per student
- 1 - 1/2″ x 36″ wooden dowel – 1 per student
- Reeves acrylic paint pot set – can be shared
- Thumb tack – 1 per student
- 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
- sheet of corrugated cardboard
$35 Basic Art Supply Kit:
Contains the most difficult to obtain supplies
- Assorted fabric scraps of any kind – approx 1 yard
- Grout
- Thin jute cord – approx 2 ft
- 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
- partial set Keruitake Zig Brushables waterbased pigment felt tip markers set in shades of blue
- Prismacolor non-photo blue pencil – 1 per student
- 1 sheet Canson Mixed Media paper 18″x24″
- Ball tipped embossing stylus
- Tombow dual brush pen colorless blender only
- 1 Crescent Illustration Board 15″x20″ heavy weight
- 1 sheet Strathmore charcoal paper 9″x12″
- mosaic tiles in various colors
- 2 sheets mosaic mesh – 6″x6″ sheets
- Weldbond PVA glue (white PVA school glue is not the same) – can be shared
- 1 sheet 12″x12″ Strathmore Acrylic paper
- 1 - 1/2″ x 36″ wooden dowel
- 1 sheet of corrugated cardboard
Add-On Items:
- $4 - Crescent Illustration Board 15″x20″ heavy weight (1 board)
- $6 - full ream of white Acid free construction paper 12x18" (50 sheets)
- $7 - full pad Strathmore charcoal paper 9″x12″ (24 sheets)
- $3 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
- $8 Mosaic kit for 1 - includes grout, backing grid, tiles, and weldbond

The easiest place to get your supplies is through our class bulk order, but if you only need a few items you may be able to find things cheaper on www.amazon.com. Remember that THESE ARE JUST GUIDELINES. If, for example, you already have Crayola crayons, and I have listed Prang, do not feel obligated to buy new materials.
As always, feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!
Sheryl G.