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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

2017/2018 Bulk Order

As always, in order to make your family's participation in SKETCH as easy and cost-effective as possible, we are putting together a bulk supply order.  The deadline for participation in the bulk order is August 20.  Late orders will not be accepted. Below is a listing of what you can expect to receive, along with links to Amazon should you want to purchase on your own.  Order forms are on the second page of the registration link.

$70 Complete Art Supply Kit:

contains everything you need for 1 person to complete every project

  • Scissors - sharp enough to cut both fabric and paper
  • everyday pencil – 1 per student
  • 2 quart size zip top storage bags - can be shared
  • Assorted fabric scraps of any kind – approx 1 yard - can be shared
  • Grout
  • Thin jute cord – approx 2 ft
  • 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
  • plastic butter knife – 1 per student
  • wooden skewer – 1 per student
  • full set Keruitake Zig Brushables waterbased pigment felt tip markers set in shades of blue – can be shared
  • Prismacolor non-photo blue pencil – 1 per student
  • 2 sheets Canson Mixed Media paper 18″x24″ – minimum 1 per student
  • 2 oz Sculpey oven dry clay in grey – per student
  • 2 oz. Sculpey oven dry clay in any bright color – per student
  • Ball tipped embossing stylus – 1 per student
  • paper plate
  • 3M Duct tape in at least 2 colors – can be shared
  • Tombow dual brush pen waterbased markers (the shojo manga colors would be best because it includes a colorless blender)– can be shared
  • Crescent Illustration Board 15″x20″ heavy weight – 1 per student
  • 2 sheets Strathmore charcoal paper 9″x12″ – minimum 1 sheet per student
  • Prang charcoal pencils in soft and medium – 1 set per student
  • Blending stump – can be shared
  • kneadable eraser – can be shared
  • mosaic tiles in various colors – can be shared
  • mosaic mesh – 6″x6″ sheets – 2 sheets per student
  • Weldbond PVA glue (white PVA school glue is not the same) – can be shared
  • Bubble wrap 6″x6″ – can be shared
  • 1 sheet 12″x12″ Strathmore Acrylic paper – 1 per student
  • 1 - 1/2″ x 36″ wooden dowel – 1 per student
  • Reeves acrylic paint pot set – can be shared
  • Thumb tack – 1 per student
  • 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
  • sheet of corrugated cardboard

$35 Basic Art Supply Kit:

Contains the most difficult to obtain supplies

 Add-On Items:

The easiest place to get your supplies is through our class bulk order, but if you only need a few items you may be able to find things cheaper on  Remember that THESE ARE JUST GUIDELINES.  If, for example, you already have Crayola crayons, and I have listed Prang, do not feel obligated to buy new materials. As always, feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!
Sheryl G.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The SKETCH website has moved to  Please check there for all updated information.

For the moment, the site is a bit messy as it is still under construction, and we are waiting for responses from others about exact dates and times.  As soon as possible I will clarify all of the details for you!  Thanks for your patience.

See you there!

Supply List 2017/2018

Do you remember the smell of a freshly opened box of crayons, or the soft feel of a brand new paintbrush?  I do.  They are memories full of happiness and creativity. At SKETCH we ask that families provide their own art supplies so that children have the opportunity to experiment at home, as well as in class. Please be aware that the links below connect to an affiliate account and anything you purchase will result in SKETCH receiving a portion of the proceeds at no cost to you.  You are by no means obligated to use these links.  Feel free to purchase from any source at all. Also, please note that while specific brands are listed, these are suggestions only.  I do this simply to help with the choosing process.  You will want decent quality products to allow your child the most success (avoid Roseart and generic brands) and avoid frustration, but unless there is a specific note, you may make any substitution. Finally, we place one bulk order at the beginning of each term in order to get the lowest possible costs.  If you would like to participate, take a look at the second half of our registration form.

2017/2018 SUPPLY LIST

everything you need for the year

  • Scissors - sharp enough to cut both fabric and paper
  • everyday pencil – 1 per student
  • 2 quart size zip top storage bags - can be shared
  • Assorted fabric scraps of any kind – approx 1 yard - can be shared
  • Grout
  • Thin jute cord – approx 2 ft
  • 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
  • plastic butter knife – 1 per student
  • wooden skewer – 1 per student
  • full set Keruitake Zig Brushables waterbased pigment felt tip markers set in shades of blue – can be shared
  • Prismacolor non-photo blue pencil – 1 per student
  • 2 sheets Canson Mixed Media paper 18″x24″ – minimum 1 per student
  • 2 oz Sculpey oven dry clay in grey – per student
  • 2 oz. Sculpey oven dry clay in any bright color – per student
  • Ball tipped embossing stylus – 1 per student
  • paper plate
  • 3M Duct tape in at least 2 colors – can be shared
  • Tombow dual brush pen waterbased markers (the shojo manga colors would be best because it includes a colorless blender)– can be shared
  • Crescent Illustration Board 15″x20″ heavy weight – 1 per student
  • 2 sheets Strathmore charcoal paper 9″x12″ – minimum 1 sheet per student
  • Prang charcoal pencils in soft and medium – 1 set per student
  • Blending stump – can be shared
  • kneadable eraser – can be shared
  • mosaic tiles in various colors – can be shared
  • mosaic mesh – 6″x6″ sheets – 2 sheets per student
  • Weldbond PVA glue (white PVA school glue is not the same) – can be shared
  • Bubble wrap 6″x6″ – can be shared
  • 1 sheet 12″x12″ Strathmore Acrylic paper – 1 per student
  • 1 - 1/2″ x 36″ wooden dowel – 1 per student
  • Reeves acrylic paint pot set – can be shared
  • Thumb tack – 1 per student
  • 1 - 12″x14″ styrofoam – minimum 3/4″ thick (without a paper backing)
  • sheet of corrugated cardboard
Note: Please make sure that all supplies are clearly labeled with your family’s name.  Children work at large tables, and supplies often roll.  Collecting materials at the end of the day is much easier if they are marked.  Address labels work well for this purpose.
Again, the cheapest/easiest place to get your supplies is through our class bulk order, but if you only need a few items you may do better with  Remember that THESE ARE JUST GUIDELINES.  If, for example, you already have Crayola crayons, and I have listed Prang, do not feel obligated to buy new materials. As always, feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!
Sheryl Goedecke @ Yahoo . com

Schedule of Classes 2017/2018

I have listed the classes and the volunteer activities separately.  If you would like to see them in order, go to our Upcoming Events page. Sketch classes are designed to work together, so students are encouraged to attend as often as possible.  Volunteer events, on the other hand, are entirely optional.  Please come volunteer if you are available, but we understand if the project or timing doesn't work for your family.  Thanks for all you do!

SKETCH Lessons

Friday, September 15, 2017
  • First SKETCH class of the season!
  • Artist: Jean-Honoré Fragonard
  • Project: Styrofoam and fabric panels
  • Charity: Sole Hope
Friday, October 20, 2017
  • Artist: Thomas Gainsborough
  • Project: Monochromatic blue works
  • Charity: Samaritan's Purse
Friday, November 17, 2017
  • canceled
Friday, December 15, 2017
  • Artist: Josef Albers
  • Project: Duct tape study of squares
  • Charity: personal gift
Friday, January 19, 2018
  • Artist: Walt Disney
  • Project: Augmented-reality cartoons
  • Charity: Community Display
Friday, February 16, 2018
  • Artist: Eugene Delacroix
  • Project: Charcoal horse sketches
  • Charity: Manchester Mounted Police
Friday, March 16, 2018
  • Artist: Italo Botti
  • Project: Mosaic fire-board
  • Charity: Bedford Cross Country Ski Club
Friday, April 20, 2018
  • Artist: Roy Lichtenstein
  • Project: Contrasting black & white with color in acrylic
  • Charity: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Friday, May 18, 2018
  • Closing Program
  • Assemble and display pinwheels
  • Special guest

SKETCH in Action

Community Service Projects

Saturday, October 7, 2017
  • Package, quality control, and shipment of shoes to Sole Hope
  • Begin work on prosthetic hands
  • Thank-you cards to donors
Saturday, November 4, 2017
  • Transfer artwork images on to backpacks
  • Pack boxes for Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child
Saturday, December 2, 2017
  • canceled
Saturday, February 3, 2018
  • Set-up community display
  • continue work on prosthetic hands
Saturday, March 3, 2018
  • Assemble cards
  • Meet with Manchester Police
  • Continue work on prosthetic hands
Saturday, April 7, 2018
  • Meeting at BXCSC to view completed mosaic display
  • Write cards of thanks to volunteers
  • Finish work on prosthetic hands

Friday, July 14, 2017

Can I Get AP Credit for Sketch?

To independently expand your SKETCH experience into an AP Art History course, high school students will need to complete additional work at home. Below are a few links to point you in the right direction.

AP Art History books:  

AP Art History guidelines and images of all 250 works included in the test:  

Testing details:

Saturday, April 15, 2017


The Birth of Venus, detail
March 1, 1445 - May 17 1510
Spring is here!
Please forgive the lateness of this message. I guess I got distracted by all of the activity and fun of Easter. I hope you had a great time with your family too.
Luckily the supply list for this month is minimal, so I doubt any of you will need to make last-minute trips to the store.
We are studying Renaissance painter Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (better known as Botticelli), whose story I think you will find funny.

Botticelli is known for his detailed line-work. We will be attempting to improve our own use of lines in pen and ink this week. To complete this project each student will need:


Acid free construction paper 12x12" in yellow, tan or white
Scissors - 1 per student
Crayola supertip markers - set of 10 - can be shared
Pigma micron size 05 - preferably brown/sepia or black - any fine-tipped marker will do
transfer paper - 12x12"graphite - 1 sheet per student - if you no longer have your graphite paper, don't worry. Extra will be available.
everyday pencil
See you on Friday, April 21st at 6:30!
Sheryl G.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Anastasia - Medieval Illumination

In the 1400s few female artists received credit for their work.  This month we will be learning about one of the few who receives mention.  Her name is Anastasia, and she was a renowned for her beautiful work in illuminating handwritten books.  Unfortunately, illuminators did not sign their completed work at this time, so while the following is an example of illumination, is it not necessarily explicitly attributed to Anastasia.

Cité des Dames Workshop. Reason, Rectitude and Justice appear to Christine; Reason helps Christine build the City. 1407-1408

c. 1400

We will be making embossed copper illuminated letters.  The images of our work will be placed on capes for hospitalized children.  To complete this project each student will need: 

    You may also want:

    See you Friday, March 17th at 6:30!
    Sheryl G.

    Saturday, February 11, 2017

    Georgia O'Keeffe - inktense

    This snowy weather can make me feel dreary, so to combat the winter blahs let's explore vibrant colors and warm landscapes. Our artist for the month of February is Georgia O'Keeffe. Her beautiful studies of flowers and other natural items will captivate your imagination, drawing you into noticing the tiniest details of God's beautiful creation.

    Georgia O'Keeffe

    Red Canna, 1924
    University of Arizona Museum of Art

    We will be making clothing for infants and mothers in need.  I promise, this project will be fun!


      You may also want:

      Please remember, Inktense can STAIN clothing, and we will intentionally be working to make it do so in this project.  Students are encouraged to wear short sleeves, old clothes, or bring smocks for this project.

      See you Friday, February 17th at 6:30!
      Sheryl G.

      Sunday, January 15, 2017

      Jackson Pollock

      Is it possible for an person who throws, splatters, and scatters paint to be a master artist? That is the question we will be considering during this month's study of Jackson Pollock.

      Jackson Pollock
      United States

      Oil on Canvas
      We will be making our own splatter paintings, with a bit of a twist using frisket resist.  To complete this project each student will need:

        You may also want:
        Please note, Inktense can STAIN clothing.  I highly encourage students to wear short sleeves, old clothes, or bring smocks for this project.

        See you on Friday, January 20th at 6:30!