Norman Rockwell is best known as a painter of stories. His magazine covers beautifully illustrated an ideal America through both the humor and sadness of everyday life.
I love how your expanded magazine covers came out! You really seemed to capture the idea of storytelling. They are going to be fantastic as greeting cards! If you happened to miss class, you can get the full project instructions and biography at
Ready to expand on what you have learned?
I love how your expanded magazine covers came out! You really seemed to capture the idea of storytelling. They are going to be fantastic as greeting cards! If you happened to miss class, you can get the full project instructions and biography at
Ready to expand on what you have learned?
- The life of Norman Rockwell is very well documented. I particularly enjoyed this documentary but you can loose yourself in the land of Google as you research this master illustrator.
- Learn more about Rosie the Riveter in this video covering the real life Rosies, the posters, and Rockwell's painting.
- We are privileged to live very close to two of Norman Rockwell's former homes. You can visit museums dedicated to his work, as well as his former studios both in Massachusetts, and in Vermont. Take your pick!
- Want to test your knowledge of Norman Rockwell? Try this fun wordsearch!
- Sharpen observation skills. How many mistakes can you find in Norman Rockwell's April Fools Day covers?
- Norman Rockwell thought about and sketched his work "The Gossips" for 20 years before coming up with his final design which included himself and his wife at the end. Why do you think he felt so strongly about this particular topic?
- Try gathering your family and playing a game of telephone. What lessons can you learn about gossip?
- Discuss Proverbs 21:23 "Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue, keeps himself out of trouble." ESV Do you think this is good advice?