This month's featured artist is Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer (c. 1632–c. 1675)
The Procuress.
Purported to be the only self-portrait of Vermeer.
oil on canvas
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
One of the most highly regarded Dutch artists of all time, Vermeer is best known for his paintings of the indoor life of the middle class.
Het melkmeisje
The Milkmaid
circa 1660
oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
To complete this month's project you will need the following items:
2 sheets Tru Ray Acid Free Construction Paper (1 white, 1 any color) - 12”x18”
Prang crayons, one 8 color set - need: 1 set per student
1 glue stick - can be shared
1 pair Scissors - need 1 per student
1 ruler (or any item with a straight edge for drawing lines. ex. book) - we will be working extensively with these, so please make sure you bring enough for your students.
1 everyday pencil (drawing pencil not needed)
See you at 6:30 on Friday March 20th!