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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Audubon Lesson Extension Activities

The holidays are fast approaching so I decided to keep the lesson extension list short and sweet this month.  I hope you enjoy your time with your families!

  • Want to see Audubon's work?  Look at Birds of America online at
  • Read about Audubon in a beautifully illustrated children's book.  This is one of my very favorite books – The Boy Who Drew Birds
  • Learn how to draw birds and create your own nature journal at

Saturday, November 15, 2014

John James Audubon

When you think of John James Audubon you probably think of a naturalist, but did you know that he was one of our country's first world renown artists?

John James Audubon
Portrait of John James Audubon
by John Syme
Oil on Canvas
White House Historical Collection, Washington DC

Please take some time to study the image below before class.  
Great Egret
John James Audubon
New York Historical Society

This month we are going to be learning how to create birds out of felt!  

In order to complete this project the following supplies will be needed:
  • Prang crayons, one 8 color set - need: 1 set per student
  • Wool roving, minimum: .5oz each of gray, black, white and yellow - need 1 set per student
  • 1 needle felting brush - need 1 per student
  • felting needles (approx. 36 gauge) - set contains 5, need 2 needles per student - Students age 6 and under are highly encouraged to use a needle guard
  • 1 pair Scissors - need 1 per student
  • everyday pencil with an eraser

You may also want:
    • gallon size zip bag to bring home your left-over roving

See you at 6:30 on Friday, November 21st!