The crayons were labeled and dropped off at the local food bank for distribution to many needy children in our area. Good work.

You will need scissors, a ruler, and a pencil in addition to the paper mentioned above in order to prepare your child's paper.First, cut both the black and pastel paper to size.Next you will need to mark grid lines on the pastel paper. Simply use a ruler to lightly mark the top and bottom of your pastel paper into fourths in each direction (at 2 1/8", 4 1/4", and 6 3/8" along the short sides, and at 2 3/4", 5 1/2", and 8 1/4" on the long sides), and then VERY LIGHTLY connect the dots with your pencil and ruler. We will need to erase these marks later, so please do not use pen, fold the paper, or bear down on the pencil.You should have 16 equal rectangles when you are done. If you have trouble visualizing what I need the final grid to look like, just watch this video. The paper he folds results in exactly 16 equal rectangles (DO NOT FOLD your paper).
Just a quick note to those of you planning to fill a shoebox . . .
The Operation Christmas Child boxes arrived at the church this week. You are more than welcome to use your own shoebox, but if you would like for me to drop off a box (which includes instructions, a bookmark, and a letter that you can fill out for the recipient) then just pop me an e-mail and we can make arrangements to get it to you.
Sherylgoedecke @
Hmmm... I can't think of a good transition from shoeboxes to ventriloquism, so I'm just going to jump topics awkwardly here.
Ready, set, JUMP
If you are looking for a fun event this weekend, feel free to join us for a free ventriloquist performance at New Hope Christian Fellowship. Brent Vernon (& Sam) will be here at 5:29 :o) on Sunday October 30th. The doors open at 5PM and refreshments will be served after the performance.
Hope to see you there!