My family loves art museums, but the cost can be extraordinary. When you add in parking and lunch you often have yourself a very expensive day.
Determined to fix this problem, I looked around and came up with a list of local museums with free admission this summer. I hope this will help you to get out there and enjoy a museum or two with your family!
The full list is below, but I truly hope that you will
at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester on Saturday August 13th* for a FREE beach themed event specifically targeted to families. We will meet at 11:30AM for a guided gallery walk. Please let me know if you plan to attend so that I can inform the museum staff.
Free admission 2011:
July 1st - Museum of Fine Arts - Boston, MA*July 8th - Worcester Art Museum - Worcester, MAJuly 8th - Cape Cod Museum of Art - Dennis, MAJuly 22nd - Norman Rockwell Museum - Stockbridge, MA*August 5th - Institute of Contemporary Art - Boston, MAEveryday - Hood Museum of Art - Hanover, NHSelect Sundays - Portsmouth Museum of Art - Portsmouth, NHEveryday - Aidron Duckworth Museum - Meredith, NHEveryday - Andres Institute of Art - Brookline, NH (outdoor sculpture walk)Saturdays 10-12 - Currier Museum of Art - Manchester, NH
* I have noted with an asterisk the events that I am hoping to bring my family to. We would love it if you could join us, even if it is just for lunch at the museum cafe. Call or e-mail me and we can make plans.
A framework for next fall's Sketch program is already beginning to come together. I'll be in touch soon to let you know what you can expect.
Enjoy your summer!